Terms of Use
We advise you to read these terms and conditions carefully as they contain important information regarding your rights and obligations when using the japan-property.jp website. We provide a platform to bring consumers, agents, developers and advertisers together. When you use the contact forms on our website for a property that you are enquiring about, we will send your details to the relevant agency or developer. Once this initial enquiry has taken place we accept no responsibility or liability for communication between you and that party. From this point on and for the purposes of this document, “We", "Our", "Us" refers to the website, japan-property.jp and its subsidiaries, employees, officers, agents, affiliates or assigned parties. By using the website japan-property.jp or by contracting for services with japan-property.jp you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out herein. A Privacy Policy has been documented and can be found on the website.
1. User Obligations
- As a user of the website, you are responsible for checking the accuracy of any details and obtaining the necessary legal advice as required.
- Only advertise properties that are currently available for purchase or lease within Japan. Property descriptions and images must be relevant to the properties listed. All misleading, fake or false information will be removed.
- You must remove properties that have been sold or entered into a lease agreement within 7 days.
- Ensure that you do not publish anything that could be perceived to be unlawful, defamatory, fraudulent, misleading or anything protected by copyright, which could expose japan-property.jp to any liability, legal or otherwise.
- Advertisements should be legal, decent and truthful. All Advertising should be compliant with Japan Advertising Standards and The Laws of Japan.
- All Advertisers, Agents and Developers should have a legal company set up in Japan or abroad and the right to work in Japan. All users are responsible for checking advertisements and listings are correct on publication and must notify us by email if any errors are detected.
- Each Subscription is for single Agent usage. Each Agency Office is required to have individual and separate subscriptions.
- Each Subscription is for a single Development. A Developer is required to purchase one subscription per development.
- Business Details including Profile Photographs, Address and Telephone numbers are to be up to date at all times.
2. You Acknowledge that
- We reserve the right to monitor or censor user generated content on our website, although we are not under any obligation to do so.
- We shall not be held responsible for any damages arising out from natural calamity, temporary suspension of service due to the site maintenance, device failure or concentrated access, fabrication or leakage of the information caused by third parties, the loss and delayed delivery of the information and/or provision of outdated information attributed to the termination of the contract between this Company and real estate agents. Neither shall We be held responsible for any accidents and other damages on software and hardware caused in the use of this Company.
- You are responsible for the security and integrity of your data.
- Transmission of data over the Internet can be subject to errors and delays.
- We do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused by
- An error, inaccuracy or omission in the publication of the advertisement.
- A failure to publish an advertisement on the date or dates specified by the Advertiser.
- We reserve the right to remove, suspend, or change the position of any advertisement or listing at any time.
- We reserve the right to make any alterations to advertisements or listings were we consider it necessary.
- We reserve the right to increase subscriptions or advertising rates at any time or to amend the terms of the contract. In such events, you will have the option of cancelling.
- Users are responsible for their own Password. This company shall not be considered responsible for any damages caused by password loss or the password being stolen.
3. Agreement Term, Renewal, Suspension or Termination of Service
- This agreement remains in place for the duration of your contract.
- We may terminate this agreement at anytime without notice.
- We may suspend your account and temporarily or permanently remove details of your property listings if:
- Request by law enforcement or other government agencies;request by law enforcement or other government agencies
- You fail to pay fees on the date that they are due
- You breach any terms of our agreement
- You provide false or misleading material
- You enter into liquidation or administration
- Unexpected technical or security issues or problems
- Contracts will auto renew with the same terms and conditions as agreed, unless a separate agreement has been put in place.
4. Links and Third Parties
- japan-property.jp links to third party websites that are not controlled or affiliated to us in anyway. We therefore take NO Responsibility for their content or information that they supply. japan-property.jp displays adverts from advertisers websites and are not responsible for any misleading or inaccurate information supplied by the third party advertiser.
- Advertisers are not permitted to self promote or add direct links to their own website or others, anywhere on japan-property.jp, unless prior written permission has been granted by a company officer.
5. General
- We may change these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice.
- If we do change the Terms and Conditions, then we will publish on the website under this link, https://www.japan-property.jp/terms
These Terms and Conditions and the associated Contract and Payment Schedule form the whole agreement between you and us. If any part of the terms and conditions cannot be enforced then that particular part will not apply, however the remainder of the terms and conditions will remain in force.