E-Horizon Co., Ltd
We provide support not only for the purchase and sale of a property,but also for its management during the period of possession.
We conduct preliminary research on problems that owners face at the time of, and after purchasing a property, and provide total support for property management/operation and sale.
We, as a partner of owners, offer sound advice and proposals from a third-party standpoint and, prior to the commencement of management entrustment, conduct preliminary research and present an explanation of running costs, which are critical factors in the owning of a property. Our proposals assume a balance of payments that enables owners to operate property safely and stably.
The highly professional employees in our departments relieve the anxieties and concerns of owners about matters such as the handling of accidents during emergencies.
作為所有者的事業夥伴,我們會從第三者的角度為客戶提供確實的建議和各種方案,關於房地產的維持經費,我們也會在受託管理前為客戶調查說明。 我們的經營提案徹底注重收支,讓所有者能夠安心又穩定地經營房地產。
作为所有者的事业伙伴,我们会从第三者的角度为客户提供确实的建议和各种方案,关于房地产的维持经费,我们也会在受托管理前为客户调查说明。 我们的经营提案彻底注重收支,让所有者能够安心又稳定地经营房地产。
Office Location
2F E-horizon Kitamaruyama Bldg., 2-5, Kita6-jonishi25 Chuo-ku Sapporo, Hokkaido
Contact information
Website: https://www.e-horizon.co.jp/en/
Governor of Hokkaido, Ishikari (3) No. 8072
Supported Languages
English, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語